These programs provide timely weather-related tree crop information specifically for California fruit and nut growers, researchers, and industry. Air temperatures, collected from the California Irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS) weather stations, are used for model calculations.
Chilling Accumulation Models
Calculation, Explanation & Comparison
Station Data
Downloadable raw weather data
Prune Chilling Prediction Model
chilling measured in Chill Portions
Nitrogen and Potassium Crop Nutrition Prediction Models for Almond & Pistachio
based on early season leaf sampling
Irrigation Scheduling Using Stem Water Potential (SWP) Measurements
Temp., RH & SWP values for almond, prune, walnut & grape
Harvest Prediction Model
for Peaches, Plums and Nectarines
Almond Hull-Split Prediction Model
This model, based on user input of a date for 1% of full bloom, will work 90 days after bloom
Pistachio Bloom Forecast
based on combined chill and heat accumulation
Pistachio Nut Growth Decision Support Tool
based on growing degree days after bloom
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