2002 Evaluation of Kairomone-Based Mass-Trapping as a Control Tactic and Simulation for Pest Management of Codling Moths in Small and/or Organic Walnut Orchards Light, Doug, Kathy Reynolds, Michelle Brewer, Alan Knight, Bill Lingren, Bruce Campbell 2002.
2002 Development of "Attract and Kill," Bait-Spray, and Augmented Mating-Disruption Control Tactics for Pest Management of Codling Moths Based on a Novel Adult and Larval Attractant Kairomone Light, Doug, Kathy Reynolds, Michelle Brewer, Alan Knight, Clive Henrick, Jeff Downs, Bill Lingren, Stephen Welter, Bruce Campbell 2002.
2002 Development of a Monitoring and Management System for Codling Moths Based on a Novel Female and Male Attractant Kairomone Light, Doug, Kathy Reynolds, Michelle Brewer, Carolyn Pickel, Sara Goldman Smith, Terry Prichard, Michelle Goff, Janine Hasey, Bill Olson, Walt Bentley, Rick Buckner, Joe Grant, Bill Coates, Alan Knight, Bill Lingren, Bruce Campbell 2002.