California Tree Fruit Agreement
before 1970
Nectarine Size Study
Guillou, R. 1959
Mechanical Sizers for Plums and Nectarines
Guillou, R. 1966
Nectarine Size Study
Guillou, R., and E. Mayer. 1961
Maturity Recommendation and Standards for California Freestone Peaches
Rood, P.J. 1959
Promoting Stone Fruits for Protection against the Metabolic Syndrome
Cisneros-Zevallos, L., C. Wu, P. Castillo, F. Ibanez, C. Cao, and P. Simons . 2011
Replanting Plums in 2012 with Attention to Nematodes and the Replant Problem
McKenry, M. 2011
Pedestrian Orchard Systems for Plums
Day, K.R.,
R. S. Johnson,
B. Phene, and T. M. DeJong. 2011
Microbal Food Safety and Post Harvest Fruit Disinfection
Suslow, Trevor. 2010
Improving the Efficiency of Foliar Zinc Sprays in Peach Orchards
Johnson, R. Scott. 2010
Assuring Good Arrivals Temperature for the Tree Fruit Industry After Overseas Shipping
Crisosto, Carlos. 2010