2014 Impact of Aerosol Emitter Deployment Density on Codling Moth Suppression in Walnut Gut, Larry, Joseph Grant, Peter McGhee, and Jeannine Lowrimore 2014
2012 Pheromone-Based Codling Moth and Navel Orangeworm Management in Walnuts Grant, J., C. Pickel, D. Light, S. Goldman Smith, J. Lowrimore 2012.
2013 Refining Pheromone Mating Disruption Strategies to Manage Codling Moth in Walnuts - Reduced Rate Aerosol and Meso Dispensers Grant, J., Charles Burks, Doug Light, Larry Gut, Peter McGhee, Richard Buchner, Jeannine Lowrimore, Cyndi Gilles 2013.
2011 Pheromone-Based Codling Moth and Navel Orangeworm Management in Walnuts 2011: Year 7 Pickel, C., J. Grant, S. Welter, R. Buchner, C. DeBuse, S. Goldman Smith, J. Lowrimore 2011.