1999 The Effect of Crown Gall on Tree Growth and Productivity 1999 Olson, Bill, Nadeem Shawareb. 1999.
1999 A Comparison of the Minimum Pruning and the Low-Scaffold Tree Training Systems on Chandler Walnuts - 1999 Olson, Bill, Nadeem Shawareb. 1999.
1999 June-Budded Chandlers on Paradox and Northern California Black Walnut Rootstocks Compared to Grafted Chandlers on Paradox Rootstock - 1999 Olson, Bill, Nadeem Shawareb. 1999.
1999 Walnut Variety Trial and Selection Block at California State University Farm-Chico: 1999 Olson, Bill, Nadeem Shawareb. 1999.
1998 The Effect of Crown Gall on Tree Growth and Productivity and the Success of Surgical Removal of Galls from Three-Year Old Chandler Trees on Paradox Rootstock Olson, Bill, Nadeem Shawareb. 1998.
1998 A Comparison of the Minimum Pruning and the Low-Scaffold Tree Training Systems on Chandler Walnuts Olson, Bill, Nadeem Shawareb. 1998.
1998 June-Budded Chandlers on Paradox and Northern California Black Walnut Rootstock Compared to Grafted Chandlers on Paradox Rootstock Olson, Bill, Nadeem Shawareb. 1998.
1997 Training on the Biology, Monitoring and Control of Walnut Husk Fly Olson, Bill, Carolyn Pickel, Sue Opp. 1997.