1997 Disruption of Pheromone Communication for Control of Codling Moths and Navel Orangeworms in Walnuts Shorey, Harry. 1997.
1995 Evaluation of a Novel Device for Dispensing Pheromone for Disruption of Codling Moth Communication in Walnut Orchards Shorey, Harry H. 1995.
1997 Pheromone-Based Monitoring and Mating Disruption of Navel Orangeworm Millar, Jocelyn G., Harry Shorey. 1997.
1996 Pheromone-Based Monitoring and Mating Disruption of Navel Orangeworm and Codling Moth Millar, Jocelyn G., Harry H. Shorey. 1996.
1995 Pheromone-Based Monitoring and Mating Disruption of Navel Orangeworm Millar, Jocelyn, Harry Shorey. 1995.
1998 Disruption of Pheromone Communication for Control of Codling Moths and Navel Orangeworm in Walnuts Shorey, Harry, Roland Gerber. 1998.