Fuyu Flower & Fruit Development

Persimmon Photo Gallery

Photos of flower and fruit development for Fuyu, Izo and Sugara cultivars were taken  by Michelle Kong, Fruit & Nut Research and Information Center staff.

Photos of historic cultivars were provided by Louise Ferguson, UC Davis Department of Plant Sciences. The photos in this collection represent cultivars grown in California, in both commercial and non-commercial production, during the state's long history of tree fruit production. 

Bud swell in persimmon, cv Fuyu.
Green tip stage in persimmon, cv Fuyu.
First leaves in Persimmon, cv Fuyu
Shoot growth in persimmon, cv Fuyu.
Sepals united in persimmon flower, cv Fuyu
Bud swell in persimmon, cv Fuyu. photo by MKong, Fruit & Nut Center Green tip stage in persimmon, cv Fuyu. photo by MKong, Fruit & Nut Center First leaves in Persimmon, cv Fuyu. photo by MKong, Fruit & Nut Center Shoot growth in persimmon, cv Fuyu. photo by MKong, Fruit & Nut Center Sepals united in persimmon flower, cv Fuyu. photo by MKong, Fruit & Nut Center
Sepals separate in persimmon flower, cv Fuyu.
Flower tips in persimmon flower, cv Fuyu.
Flower open in persimmon, cv Fuyu.
Flower fully open in persimmon flower, cv Fuyu.
Petal fall in persimmon, cv Fuyu.
Sepals separate in persimmon flower, cv Fuyu. photo by MKong, Fruit & Nut Center Flower tips in persimmon flower, cv Fuyu. photo by MKong, Fruit & Nut Center Flower open in persimmon, cv Fuyu. photo by MKong, Fruit & Nut Center Flower fully open in persimmon flower, cv Fuyu. photo by MKong, Fruit & Nut Center Flower fully open in persimmon flower, cv Fuyu. photo by MKong, Fruit & Nut Center
Fruit set in persimmon, cv Fuyu.
Fruit Growth in persimmon, cv Fuyu
Fruit set in persimmon, cv Fuyu. photo by MKong, Fruit & Nut Center Fruit set in persimmon, cv Fuyu. photo by MKong, Fruit & Nut Center