Almond nutrition studies, calculators, and further reading:

Almond Nitrogen Best Management Practices
Authors: Patrick H. Brown, Sebastian Saa, Saiful Muhammad, Sat Darshan Khalsa
(Almond Board of California)

California Almond Stewardship Platform
Visit the California Almond Stewardship Platform, led by the Almond Board of California. This platform includes an interactive Nitrogen Calculator for almonds.
Nitrogen Prediction Models for Almond: Interpreting Early Season Leaf Samples
(Excel files for download)
These models, available in Excel format, were developed from 4 years of research in Nonpareil almond orchards. Download the Models for more information, including leaf sampling (collect in mid-April) and N values (predicted for July).
Saa, S., Brown, P. H., Muhammad, S., Rio, A. O.-D., Sanden, B. L., & Laca, E. A. (2014). Prediction of leaf nitrogen from early season samples and development of field sampling protocols for nitrogen management in Almond (Prunus dulcis [Mill.] DA Webb). Plant and Soil, 380(1/2), 153–163.