Pear Nutritional Deficiencies (Photo Gallery)

These photos are accessed from the UC ANR Repository, are available courtesy of University of California research and extension personnel and programs, including the UC Statewide IPM Project. Photo information, including the photographer, is displayed when the larger image is viewed.

Zinc deficiency symptoms on pear
Phosphorus-deficient pear leaves w/ pinched, undulating margins.
Magnesium deficiency symptoms on pear.
Mild iron deficiency shows as yellowing pear leaves with green veins.
Zinc deficiency symptoms on pear Phosphorus-deficient pear leaves w/ pinched, undulating margins. Magnesium deficiency symptoms on pear. Mild iron deficiency shows as yellowing pear leaves with green veins.
Photo courtesy of Ted DeJong. Photo courtesy of Ted DeJong. Photo courtesy of Ted DeJong Photo courtesy of Ted DeJong
Phosphorus-deficient pear leaves w/ pinched, undulating margins.
Potassium-deficient pear leaves cup up at edges, gray or bronze margins.
Boron deficiency symptoms. Potassium-deficient pear leaves cup up at edges, gray or bronze margins.    
Photo by JKClark © UC Regents Photo by JKClark © UC Regents