Fruit and Nut Information - Plum: (a listing of useful links and pdf files on this website)
Andersen, R., Freer, J., and Robinson, T. 2006. Plum rootstock trials at Geneva: a progress report. New York Fruit Quarterly 14 (1): 27-28.
Day, K. R. and Buchner, R. P. 2012. Chapter 25: Growing Prunes for the Fresh Market. in the Prune Production Manual. R. P. Buchner editor. University of California.
Day, K.R., Johnson, R.S., and DeJong, T.M. 2013. The history of plum growing for the fresh market in California. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 985: 27-32.
DeJong, T.M., Johnson, R.S., Doyle, J.F. and Ramming, D. 2005. Research yields size controlling rootstocks for peach production. California Agriculture 59 (2). Pages 80-83.
Hartmann, W. and Neumüller, M. 2010. Control of Sharka by breeding. Proceedings 9th IS on Plum and Prune Genetics, Breeding and Pomology. Acta Hort. 874: 229-237.
Johnson, S., Handley, D. F. and Day, K. R. 1994. Postharvest water stress of an early maturing plum. Journal of Horticultural Science. 69(6): 1035-1041.
Johnson, S. and DeJong, T. 2013. California Stone Fruit Varieties. University of California Fruit Report. Retrieved on June 17, 2013.
LaRue, J.H. and Gerdts, M. 1973. Growing plums in California. California Agriculture circular 563. Retrived on June 18, 2013.
LaRue, J.H. and Norton, M.V. 1989. Chapter 9 Japanese Plum Pollination in Peaches, Plums, and Necatrines: Growing and Handling for Fresh Market. J.H. LaRue and R.S. Johnson, editors. University of California. Retrieved on June 20, 2013.
Layne, R.E.C. 1994. Prunus rootstock affect long-term orchard performance of ‘Redhaven’ peach on Brookston clay loam. Hort Science 29 (3): 176-171.
Lownsbery, B.F., English, H., Noel, G.R., and Schick, F.J. 1977. Influence of Nemaguard and Lovell rootstocks and Macroposthonia xenoplax on Bacterial Canker of peach. Journal of Nematology 9(3).
Norton, M. and W. Coates. 2012. Growing Apricots in California: An Overview. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Okie, W.R. and Ramming, D.W. 1999. Plum breeding worldwide. Hort Technology April-June 9 (2). Retrieved on June 7, 2013.
Rieger, M. no date. Plum-Prunus domestica, Prunus salicina. Retrived on June 12, 2013.
Stein, L., Kamas, J., and Nesbitt, M. No date. Plums, nectarines, apricots, cherries, almonds, and prunus hybrids. Texas Fruit and Nut Production. Texas A&M Agrilife Extension. Retrieved on June 19, 2013.
Southwick, S.M., Yeager, J.T., Osgood, J., Olson, W., Norton, M., and Buchner, R. 1999. Performance of New Marianna rootstocks in California for’French’ prune. Hort Technology 9 (3). Pages 498-505.
Vossen, P.M and Silver, D. no date. Plum and prune varieties for planting n the home garden. Growing temperate tree fruit and nut crops in the home garden and landscape. California Backyard Orchard. Retrieved on June 7, 2013.
USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. 2014. Noncitrus Fruits and Nuts 2013 Summary. Retrieved 1 Aug 2014:
Zhivondov, A. and Uzundzhalieva, K. 2012. Taxonomic classification of plum-apricot hybrids. Proceedings 15th IS on Apricot Breeding and Culture. Acta Hort 966: 211-218.