1981 Incidence, Natural Spread and Epidemiology of Walnut Blackline Disease Ramos, David, Wilbur Reil.1981.
1986 Efficiency of Pollen in Spread of Blackline Disease of English Walnut Trees Mircetich, John S.M., Adib Rowhani. 1986.
1982 Incidence, Natural Spread and Epidemiology of Walnut Blackline Disease Ramos, D., John Mircetich, Gordon Rowe, Wilbur Reil. 1982.
1980 Blackline: Research Advances on Etiology, Epidemiology and Control Mircetich, S. M. John, A. Rowhani. 1980.
2010 Characterization Of R Genes Involved In Resistance To Cherry Leaf Roll Virus in Paradox Hybrids Sudarshana, Mysore, Nafeesa Mahmood, Adib Rowhani 2010.
2011 Genomic and Horticultural Approaches to Manage Blackline Disease in Walnuts Sudarshanna, Mysore, Nafeesa Lynn, Adib Rowhani 2011.
1977 Blackline: Natural Spread and Graft Transmission Mircetich, S.M., R. Sanborn, W. Moller, D. Ramos, M. Matheron, J. Refsguard, P. LaVine. 1977.
1978 Etiology of Blackline Disease of Walnut Trees Mircetich, S.M., R.R. Sanborn, J.W. Hoy, D.E. Ramos, J.A. Lauritis. 1978.