Advanced Sensing & Management Technologies to Optimize Resource Use in Deciduous Tree Crops UC Research website: a multi-disciplinary project to develop guidelines for nutrient and water management, adaptive to local conditions
Producing Quality Almonds: Food Safety Starts on the Farm (pdf) Bruce Lampenin, Dept. Plant Sciences, UC Davis, and Joseph Connell, UCCE Butte Co. 2004 (3 pp.)Publ. 8126
Almond Leaf Scorch (pdf) Beth Teviotdale, UCCE Kearney Ag. Center, and Joe Connell, UCCE Butte Co. 2003 (4 pp.) ANR Pub. 8106
Nut Crops - Gurreet Brar, Farm Advisor, Fresno & Madera Counties UC Cooperative Extension Fresno County
SWP: Estimated almond baseline water potential using current temperature and relative humidity (pdf) Ken Shackel, modified by Bruce Lampinen, Dept. of Plant Sciences, UC Davis. 2014.
Almond publications Roger Duncan, UCCE Farm Advisor, Stanislaus Co. Nutrition, planting, pruning, and pest management information
Using the Pressure Chamber for Irrigation Management in Walnut, Almond & Prune - ANR Publ 8623 (pdf) by UCCE Farm Advisors Allan Fulton, Tehama Co., Joe Grant, San Joaquin Co., Richard Buchner, Tehama Co., and Joe Connell, Butte Co.
Non-infectious Bud Failure (pdf) Dale Kester, et al., Dept. of Plant Sciences, UC Davis. Final Project Report. Jun 2000. (25 pp.)
Regional Almond Variety Trials Annual Reports (1996 to present) for ongoing trials to evaluate new almond varieties. files in pdf format: sizes: 8-12MB
Postharvest Publications and Presentations A database containing over 1,400 articles and presentations authored by UC postharvest specialists, USDA postharvest researchers, and others. The database is organized by topic and searchable.
Seasonal Guide to Environmentally Responsible Pest Management Practices in Almonds (pdf) Carolyn Pickel UCCE Sutter-Yuba Co., Walt Bentley, UCCE Kearney Ag Center, Joe Connell, UCCE Butte Co., Roger Duncan, UCCE Stanislaus Co, Mario Viveros, UCCE Kern Co. 2006 (8 pp.) UC ANR Leaflet 21619
Growth Regulators in Orchard Mgt: Technical Reports for Almond: 2006 Kitren Glozer, Dept. of Plant Sciences, UC Davis. Topics include treatments to minimize noninfectious bud failure and to increase nut and hull size
Recommendations for Maintaining Postharvest Quality: Dried Fruits & Nuts Adel Kader, Elizabeth Mitcham, Carlos Crisosto, Dept. of Plant Sciences, UC Davis, UC Postharvest Technology Research
IPM-Based Guidelines for Replanting Prunus Orchards in 2002 without Methyl Bromide (pdf) Michael McKenry, Nematology Dept., UC Riverside. 2002 (5 pp.)
SWP: Using Midday Stem Water Potential to Refine Irrigation Scheduling in Almond (pdf) Bruce Lampinen, Ken Shackel and Sam Metcalf, Dept. of Plant Sciences, UC Davis (3 pp.)
Fruit, Nut and Grape Varieties for Home Orchards (pdf) Ken R. Churches, UCCE Calaveras Co., and Lynn Wunderlich, UCCE El Dorado Co.2002 (5 pp.) UC Pub.EDA-1-02