Fruit, Nut and Grape Varieties for Home Orchards (pdf) Ken R. Churches, UCCE Calaveras Co., and Lynn Wunderlich, UCCE El Dorado Co.2002 (5 pp.) UC Pub.EDA-1-02
Imported and American Varieties of Dates in the United States Donald R. Hodel, UCCE Los Angeles Co. 2007 (112 pp.) UC ANR Pub. 3498 Link to ANR Catalog for purchase
Recommendations for Maintaining Postharvest Quality: Date Adel A. Kader Department of Plant Sciences, University of California, Davis, CA 95616
Postharvest Publications and Presentations A database containing over 1,400 articles and presentations authored by UC postharvest specialists, USDA postharvest researchers, and others. The database is organized by topic and searchable.