Organic Versus a Conventional Farming System in Kiwifruit (pdf) J.K. Hasey, UCCE Sutter and Yuba Cos., R. Johnson, UCCE Dept. of Plant Sciences, D. Meyer and K. Klonsky, UCCE Dept. Ag. and Resource Economics, UC Davis. 1992 (7 pp.)
California Handlers Describe Marketing Issues for Organic Kiwifruit (pdf) Hoy F. Carman and Karen Klonsky, UCCE Dept. Ag. and Resource Economics, UC Davis. 2004 (7 pp.)
Tree and Vine Value Loss Calculator for Specific Crops Dept. of Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Davis. General instructions with links to specific crops
Cultivar Diversity as a Risk Management Strategy for Tree Crop Growers (pdf) Steven C. Blank, UCCE, Ag. and Resource Economics Dept., UC Davis. 2005 (4 pp.)