Cultivar Diversity as a Risk Management Strategy for Tree Crop Growers (pdf) Steven C. Blank, UCCE, Ag. and Resource Economics Dept., UC Davis. 2005 (4 pp.)
Sample Costs to Establish a Super-High Density Olive Orchard and Produce Olive Oil (pdf) P.M.Vossen UCCE, Sonoma Co., J.H.Connell, UCCE, Butte Co., W.H. Krueger, UCCE, Glenn Co., K.M. Klonsky, UCCE, and P.Livingston, Dept. Ag. and Resource Economics, UC Davis, 2007 (21 pp.)
Olive Oil: A Rediscovered California Crop (pdf) Olga Senise Barrio and Hoy Carman, Dept. of Ag. and Resource Economics, UC Davis. 2005 (21 pp.) in Agricultural and Resource Economics Vol.8 No. 5.
Sample Costs to Establish a Medium-Density Olive Orchard and Produce Bottled Olive Oil-North and Central Coasts, 2011. P.M Vossen, UCCE Sonoma-Marin counties, et al.
Sample Costs to Establish a High Density Olive Orchard and Produce Table Olives, Sacramento Valley, 2011. W.H Krueger, UCCE Glenn-Tehama counties and K.M. Klonsky and R.L. DeMoura, Dept. Ag. and Resource Economics, UC Davis.
Tree and Vine Value Loss Calculator for Specific Crops Dept. of Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Davis. General instructions with links to specific crops