Recommendations for Maintaining Postharvest Quality: Dried Fruits & Nuts Adel Kader, Elizabeth Mitcham, Carlos Crisosto, Dept. of Plant Sciences, UC Davis, UC Postharvest Technology Research
New Pistachio Varieties Show Promise for California Cultivation (pdf) Craig Kallsen, UCCE Kern Co., Dan Parfitt, Dept. of Plant Sciences, UC Davis,Joseph Maranto, UCCE Kern Co. (ret.), and Brent Holtz, UCCE Madera Co. in California Agriculture 2009 (6 pp)
Advanced Sensing & Management Technologies to Optimize Resource Use in Deciduous Tree Crops UC Research website: a multi-disciplinary project to develop guidelines for nutrient and water management, adaptive to local conditions
Fruit, Nut and Grape Varieties for Home Orchards (pdf) Ken R. Churches, UCCE Calaveras Co., and Lynn Wunderlich, UCCE El Dorado Co.2002 (5 pp.) UC Pub.EDA-1-02
Nut Crops - Gurreet Brar, Farm Advisor, Fresno & Madera Counties UC Cooperative Extension Fresno County
Large Bugs Damage Pistachio Nuts K. Daane, G. Yokota, R. Krugner, S. Steffan, P. da Silva, R. Beede, W. Bentley and G. Weinberger, UC. in California Agriculture, 2005 (8 pp.)
Mechanical Harvesting of California Pistachios UC Research: as pistachio orchards age, the efficiency of harvesting operations is evaluated. Louise Ferguson
Pistachio Salinity Studies UC Research: studies to pursue an understanding the pistachio's growth under saline conditions. Louise Ferguson
Postharvest Publications and Presentations A database containing over 1,400 articles and presentations authored by UC postharvest specialists, USDA postharvest researchers, and others. The database is organized by topic and searchable.
Postharvest Pistachio Information Summary Checklist for Harvesting Pistachios and Pistachio Processing Procedures. Dept. of Plant Sciences, UC Davis