Preplant Fungicide Dips of Strawberry Transplants to Control Anthracnose Oleg Daugovish, UCCE Ventura Co., Hai Su, Douglas Gubler, Dept. of Plant Pathology, UC Davis. Abstract of article in HortTechnology. 2009
Recommendations for Maintaining Postharvest Quality: Strawberry Elizabeth J. Mitcham, Carlos H. Crisosto and Adel A. Kader Department of Plant Sciences, University of California, Davis
Integration of Oxyfluorfen into Strawberry Weed Management Programs Oleg Daugovish, UCCE Ventura Co., Steven Fennimore, Dept. of Plant Sciences, UC Davis, Maren J. Mochizuki, UCCE Ventura Co. Abstract of article in Weed Technology. 2008
Berry Production Management in Northern California Caneberry & strawberry program by Mark Bolda, UCCE Farm Advisor
Postharvest Publications and Presentations A database containing over 1,400 articles and presentations authored by UC postharvest specialists, USDA postharvest researchers, and others. The database is organized by topic and searchable.
Strawberries in California UCCE Ventura Co. Link to UCCE Ventura Co, website provides information on strawberry production in California
Fruit, Nut and Grape Varieties for Home Orchards (pdf) Ken R. Churches, UCCE Calaveras Co., and Lynn Wunderlich, UCCE El Dorado Co.2002 (5 pp.) UC Pub.EDA-1-02